Real de Catorce


Morning lights in Real

After a few days in pretty Zacatecas and before going South, I went to the desert in the state of San Luis Potosi. For the first time since entering Mexico, I jumped into a bus or three, and after six or seven hours sitting in buses, ended up in Real de Catorce.

Real de Catorce is famous for being a sacred place in both Huichol and Christian cultures. It's also very high, with mountains around Real reaching 3000m. So I took a few warm clothes, unfold my backpack out of my panniers, and took a bus for San Luis de Potosi.

Just a few hundred meters down this mountain is a flat desert at 200m, home of a well known cactus, which has been used forever as a medecine by the Huichol people. I went down hiking by foot, met with Monica and Felipe who own two dozens of goats there, and got lost in the desert for a couple of days before returning to Zacatecas.